
Our curriculum provides for all areas of a child’s development: physical, emotional, social, and cognitive. We believe that children learn through active exploration and interaction with other children, materials and adults.

Activities are carefully planned and implemented in an open-classroom setting. Children are free to choose from age-appropriate activities including art, music, language development, pre-math skills, science and nature and dramatic play. Children develop self-esteem, independence and problem-solving skills, inner control and how to cooperate with peers and professional caregivers as they make choices and assist in planning the environment and the activities.

Learning and playing are not limited to the classrooms. Children participate in the outdoor environment each day. There are opportunities for water play, woodworking and motor development. The Center provides an age appropriate playground. Infants are also taken outside for walks in a stroller or in the arms of a teacher.  Experiences with music, movement, art, language and building are incorporated into daily programs. Regularly scheduled meals, rest time, indoor and outdoor play, and routines in physical activities promotes the child’s health, comfort and ability to care for themselves.

Clearly defined limits help them recognize and accept their emotions and express their feelings as they grow and feel secure in the world around them. Children are treated with respect and kindness. We recognize that children develop at different rates and have different interest. Small group size and appropriate teacher-child ratios allows First Class Learning Center to successfully address the individual needs of each child.

Our teachers encourage curiosity and experimentation and have selected materials that assist in the child’s development and creativity.  Basic learning materials include sand, water, and tools to use with them, large and small blocks, puzzles, dramatic play props (dress-up clothes, puppets), items for scientific investigation (magnets, balances and weights), computers, books, cd’s, musical instruments, art and drawing supplies and climbing structures with slides. Positive social interaction is encouraged by helping children to develop their verbal skills and to express their feelings in appropriate ways.

We recognize that each child is an individual as well as a member of a larger unit – their family. Strong, viable parent/teacher relationships promote effective communication and participation. The staff works closely with parents for the benefit of the child and includes families in the curriculum and special events. The program is designed to be inclusive of all children, including those with identified disabilities and special learning and developmental needs.

As a Center, we welcome and encourage parent participation in all aspects of our program. From sharing important family and cultural information with us, to joining your child for lunch, your support is greatly appreciated.

We believe that the care of your child is one of a families’ single most important considerations when you work outside the home. You should feel at ease and confident about the facility where your child spends their day. Daily interaction with the loving, caring teachers who work at FCLC can positively influence your child’s future.